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Patent Drafting India

Perfect and expert drafting of a patent specification is usually referred to as the patent drafting. The patent drafting is perhaps the most critical, scrupulous, and significant task associated with registration of a patent in any economic field. Therefore, patent drafting services are certainly find place among ours complete gamut of impeccable legal services for patents in all economic sectors. These patent drafting services can be available separately, or along with our services for patent registration. Here, it is vitally important to note that the patent drafting must be performed by a well-informed and extensively experienced patent attorney, who commands adequate knowledge about the concerned national or international patent law.

Our patent attorneys have been performing patent registrations under the national and international patent laws in jurisdictions worldwide, essentially including the laws nurtured and promoted by the Patent Cooperation Treaty, Berne Convention, TRIPS Agreement, and the European Patent Convention. Here, it is beneficial to the visitors to write that our globally appreciated law firm has been providing decent and responsible services in all areas of the law for great benefits to people and companies involved in the businesses of various economic sectors in India or abroad. Our exquisite, innovative, and dependable services for patent drafting in india, are described separately in the section below.

Patent Drafting Services

We have been helping Indian companies engaged in all economic fields, in drafting their patent specifications in connection with their national or international patent registrations, since the inception of our legal organization. The national patents are drafted as per the rules and provisions described in the Patents Act of 1970 and the Patents Rules of 1972. And, the international patents of Indian companies and firms are drafted in accordance with the rules and regulation promoted by the above-specified international patent conventions and treaties.

Drafting of both product and process patents belonging to all fields of the industrial, commercial, professional, and service sectors, has been ingeniously and expertly performed by ours mellow and veteran patent attorneys. While drafting a patent specification, the most significant things are - instructions of the concerned national or international patent office regarding preparation of the specification, such as paper size, fonts of headings and sub-headings, the order of information provided, etc.; the best possible and safest way of information presentation; the presented invention must bear all qualities of being fully original, unique, impeccable, and entirely blameless in every way; complicated descriptions must supplement drawing illustrations; and various other things to make the precious invention most reliable, profitable, and impregnable.

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