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Patent Search India

For expeditious, flawless, and fully reliable patent search in india, ours well-established and reputed law firm located in India is amply famous and popular nationwide and internationally. So far, ours adept and internationally famed patent lawyers have been performed gratifyingly numerous patent searches in all across India, on behalf of Indian and foreign companies engaged in diverse economic sectors. Our fast and perfect patent search services can be availed independently or separately, or during our patent registration services. Our progressive and reputed law firm has been extending expert and lavish services in all legal streams in all around India and the whole world. In addition to brisk and fully trustworthy patent search services in individual countries situated worldwide, we perform international patent searches under the Patent Cooperation Treaty, Berne Convention, TRIPS Agreement, and the European Patent Convention. Here, it may be noted that, patent search is conducted for ascertaining that the newly created invention by a company is entirely unique, readily patentable, and blamelessly original. This faultless patent search is an inevitable task in connection with registration of a patent with any national or international patent office. The section below gives comprehensive information about ours patent search services in India.

Patent Search Services

For thorough and dependable patent search in india, our sophisticated and vibrant patent lawyers go through the patent databases treasured by all zonal patent office of India. These patent databases comprise of two main categories - the databases of all previously registered inventions, and the databases of all filed patent applications for proper registration with these regional patent offices. Patents searched through by them are both product and process patents pertaining to various economic fields. The patent search services are useful for registration of a patent and patent infringement analysis. Here, it deserves to be mentioned that patent search is very careful and meticulous task, and therefore, requires dedicated support of well-informed, innovative, and mature patent attorney for its flawless completion. Along with expert and brisk patent search services, ours other highly appreciated services connected with inventions and patents in almost all related economic fields are patent registrations, patent oppositions, patent prosecution for several purposes, patent renewals, patent watch, and patent infringement litigations. In addition to intellectual property rights, all other vital areas of the law related with companies and firms in various occupational fields are well-served by us expertly and economically in India and abroad.

Company Registration

Patent Registration

Copyright Registration

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