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Shop Act Registration

Every shop or running business where the trade is carried out with the aim of earning profit needs to register under the shop act in India. It is the single mode that provides the proof of existence of particular business in the state. The act is well known for shop and commercial establishment act under which all the commercial centers mandated to register under the same. The procedures and process for shop act registration varies from one sate to another. The same act is either controlled or governed by the state jurisdictions or local authorities that define its rules and regulations.

For individual; its somewhere becomes hectic and complex while complying with every aspect of shop act registration; thus, it is recommended and essential as well to get avail the shop act registration services from any of the reputed legal firm. So, mail it at a firm of legal services in India.

Shop Act Registration in India

Below are the basic requirements for shop act registration in India:
  • In India shop act registration is being carried out as per the state jurisdiction in which a business is located.
  • Legal documents like owner details, electricity bill of business place, ret bill of business place in case a business or shop is running on rental building, company's constitutional documents and other necessary documents.
  • The process and procedures for Shop act registration varies from one state to another where Form A, B, C and so on require to submit to the concern authority.
  • All employee related documents including date of birth, employee name, salary, terms of joining, date of joining, job profile, roles and responsibilities in respect of employer and employee all the data needs to maintains while apply for shop act registration.
  • All the past business returns need to be maintained and submitted quarterly or annually.

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