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Trademark Watch

In order to maintain the unique identity and reputation of a trademark or service mark in the targeted marketplace, vigilant trademark watch services are commonly recommended. The unique and highly impressive prominence of a trademark is greatly desirable for optimal popularity of the concerned product and maximal profits to the owner company. Hence, trademark watch is of vital importance in consideration of business security and profitability for companies doing business in almost all economic fields, both at national and international levels. Dutiful and responsible services for national and international trademark watch, are significant part of our all legal services for trademarks in India and abroad. Pertinent here is to mention that, ours globally marked law firm has been providing expert and responsible services in all areas of the law, essentially including intellectual property rights, company law, business and commercial law, labor and employment law, maritime and admiralty law, international business, corporate taxation and insurance, and so on. In this particular article, described below are ours exquisite services for trademark watch in india and all other countries of the world.

Trademark Watch Services in India

Keeping a constant watch on all trademark applications being filed for registration with the related trademark office in India or abroad, in order to prevent registration of any objectionably similar or identical trademark within the jurisdiction of the office, is the responsible task done by the trademark watch service. For trademark watch in india, ours adept and discerning trademark lawyers keep a tab on all trademark applications being filed with all zonal trademark offices of India, which are located in Kolkata, New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, and Ahmedabad. In case they observe that any applied trademark has striking and serious similarity to the registered trademark of our client, they contact the applicant company promptly and discuss over the matter of objectionable similarity. Information about the occurrence of such a case may also be forwarded to the concerned trademark office, if need be. Depending on consequences, we take all proper measures to avert the registration of any objectionably similar trademark, in order to secure the unique reputation of the trademark of our client within India, or any targeted international jurisdictions. For international trademark watch worldwide, databases containing all filed trademark applications, especially in the economic fields of our clients, are constantly observed, which are kept secured by all international trademark offices working under the TRIPS Agreement, Berne Convention, Madrid Protocol, and the European Community Trademark.

Company Registration

Patent Registration

Copyright Registration

Other Services